Sustainable development – CSR

To reconcile economic, social and environmental efficiency, FRAYSSINET has developed its CSR policy around 4 virtuous values advocated since 2010: “Sustainable, Demanding, Innovative and Humanist”.

Sustainable Development Report – SDR


Taking on our environmental responsibility



Taking into account our own development without forgetting that of future generations

The company’s commitment in 2013 to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach christened VIAE ETHICAE (the paths of ethics) seemed obvious after identifying the importance of our role in the profession. Frayssinet was assessed in July 2015 and the overall assessment of practices and results placed our CSR approach at the “Exemplary” level. Follow-up assessments have so far confirmed the “Exemplary” level in Afnor Certification’s ENGAGED CSR reference framework.

Sustainable development is an objective that shapes the company’s growth. At the heart of the company’s strategy, research and innovation focus on enhancing the effectiveness of the products we produce, analysing their impact on our environment and identifying new properties in natural materials to build the innovations of tomorrow.


Frayssinet is fully aware that its business of returning organic by-products to the soil is an essential link in the cycle of life and nature.



80 %
of our raw materials (solid products) come from the circular economy



91 %
of our solid raw materials can be used in organic farming



of sacking is recyclable (ADIVALOR)



Humus, a pillar of ecology

Soil fertility is at the forefront of the UN General Assembly’s concerns. A World Soil Day was thus celebrated on 5 December 2016 at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in Rome. Frayssinet is fully in line with this dynamic, since the company has built its growth on products with a high organic load to protect and maintain soil heritage, particularly its biological component. Frayssinet, through its raw material selection criteria, insists on a high level of quality in the organic bases composted, in order to enable sustainable ecological intensification of the soil.
Organic materials cover a wide range of products. They differ in origin (animal, vegetable), in the way they are obtained (extraction, separation, drying) and in the treatment they undergo (composting, thermolysis). Our in-house laboratory, which has been ISO 9001 certified since 2000, carries out all the checks required to ensure total traceability of our products, including after delivery and use by our customers.


No to urban waste

The choice is definitive and the message has always been firm. Faced with the proven risks of waste products on the environment (diffusion of heavy metals, antibiotic resistance genes, endocrine disruptors, drug residues, metallic nanoparticles, etc.) and the lack of traceability, Frayssinet has banned the use of this waste in order to protect consumer health.



Responsible production

As part of an ambitious development project for the industrial division, measures and actions have been taken to improve the environmental performance of our plant.
It all began with the reorganisation of the entire production chain and the investment in new, more efficient and more economical packaging lines (5 to 1200 kg bags). Logistics at our production unit follow a linear production flow established when our HACCP method was introduced. This ensures that requirements are distributed as accurately, quickly and cost-effectively as possible.



FRAYSSINET is located in the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park, which boasts exceptional biodiversity.

Aware of the need to protect it, FRAYSSINET has put in place a person in charge of the management and upkeep of all the land, animals and green spaces of the production unit and the Fontanelles reception site. 83% of the site is dedicated to biodiversity and carbon offsetting, i.e. 15 hectares.



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Next page : The economic aspect



Managing performance


« We commit our name and our reputation » Thierry and Romain Frayssinet

The strategic objectives are driven by the company’s teams of men and women in liaison with the stakeholders and the sphere of influence. The relationship of trust established between stakeholders helps to improve all projects and actions on a day-to-day basis. CSR, through the movement it brings about, both internally and externally, is an undeniable lever for performance and efficiency.
More than ever, the plant production sectors are faced with a number of challenges: quality, economic, health, environmental and regulatory. Frayssinet’s approach to its business combines agronomic science, environmental considerations and economic performance in a context where ethics are essential.

“Ethics must also be the basis for successful collaboration with staff, customers, suppliers and all organisations in the company’s direct environment”.







of our distributors remain loyal to the brand


10 %

of employees in the Research and Quality department



63 %

of volumes transported
by suppliers from the Tarn or
neighbouring departments



Responsible Purchasing

Frayssinet’s Responsible Purchasing policy is based on the principles of the social and solidarity economy, at the heart of current debates, which constitute a specific mode of enterprise, promoting a more robust growth strategy, richer in jobs, more sustainable and more socially just. Frayssinet guarantees a commitment from its suppliers to respect human rights, acceptable working conditions with regard to the health of their employees, the use of local human and material resources, a reduction in the environmental impact of their activities and a balance in business which must result in mutually beneficial exchanges


Responsible sales

Vignes fertilisées par FrayssinetThe retail sector has a major responsibility towards its stakeholders. The sales department applies an ethical sales policy, respectful of the distributor, the user, the consumer and the environment. Frayssinet’s regional managers advocate controlled application of the right product at the right time. This “Expert Attitude” is reinforced every year with at least one specific training session for each regional manager. Frayssinet is committed to 0% risk materials in production and marketing and rejects the use of sludge and urban waste (MIATE : Matières d’Intérêt Agronomique issues du Traitement des Eaux)


Ethics and regulation

Frayssinet is the only company in its field to have an ethics director and an engineer dedicated to regulation and standardisation. It accepts the role of “whistleblower” to protect its know-how, the health of living organisms and the natural heritage essential to the development of future generations.


Frayssinet participates in the technical committees of national trade associations (UNIFA, UPJ) to draw up quality charters and works with the Bureau de Normalisation bringing together professionals, administrations and scientists to optimise AFNOR regulations, which guarantee the required levels of effectiveness and safety of fertilisers placed on the market.

Frayssinet is a founding member of the European Consortium of the Organic based Fertilizer Industry (ECOFI). Recognised as a representative partner with 60% of the speciality market in Europe, ECOFI is actively involved in harmonising European legislation to ensure the fair and safe circulation of fertilisers. This commitment is part of the Europe 2020 Strategy.


Training new generations

Frayssinet sets up agronomic training courses designed to pass on the basics of understanding how the soil and organic matter work and to share Frayssinet’s expertise in soil science and plant physiology in order to promote natural balances.
More than ever, the plant production sectors are faced with a number of challenges: quality, economics, health, the environment and regulations.



“As part of our commitment to sustainable development, taking ecological considerations into account in the management of agrosystems is a winning strategy for crop production that is totally linked to soil conservation. Dependent on climate and geology, the soil is largely modulated by its living organic component, biodiversity. The rhizosphere and drilosphere are complementary spheres of influence that need to be preserved in order to develop its agro-pedo-biological fertility. One of the main roles of scientists will be to develop appropriate eco-technologies that are accessible and compatible with these societal priorities. Daniel Cluzeau, Director of Research, Université de Rennes 1, UMR Ecosystèmes, Biodiversité, Evolution.


Download the Sustainable Development Report.


Previous page:  The “Environment” pillar of our CSR approach

Next page : The “Social” pillar of Frayssinet’s CSR approach



Acting for the consumer


Our vision is to remain the leading brand in the natural nutrition and stimulation of soils and plants, in perpetual respect of our values.

By virtue of its identity, its commitments and the directions it has taken since its creation, Frayssinet is pursuing its innovative approach by providing effective solutions to production problems and society’s expectations.

Environmentally-friendly production processes, the introduction of PNS (Nutrition and Stimulation Programmes), an Authentis agri-responsible approach, as well as a strong customer focus, enable the company to meet the objectives of the agricultural, green spaces and garden markets while respecting consumer expectations: respect for the environment, taste and health qualities.



54 %

of Authentis signatories are committed to a sustainable development framework.


dedicated to agro-oenology.



monitored by Frayssinet, as part of Authentis.


AUTHENTIS : Agro-responsible approach


Since 2007, Frayssinet has been formalising a contract of reciprocal commitments with those who choose the path of respect for our environment with the AUTHENTIS agro-responsible approach. The only one of its kind, the Authentis contract includes commitments to responsible production which aim to meet economic requirements in order to satisfy all consumers.

The Nutrition and Stimulation Programme: PNS

The aim of the PNS (Nutrition and Stimulation Programme) for Frayssinet soils and plants is to improve plant nutrition and resistance by activating the soil/plant interface: the rhizosphere. By recommending the use of organic amendments, potting soils, organic fertilisers, root development stimulators and antioxidants, it is possible to anticipate and correct nutritional deficiencies by promoting plant resistance mechanisms. Made from natural organic matter, the PNS is part of the development of sustainable agriculture that is more respectful of our environment.

The right programme

The right dose

Feed the plant just enough to avoid losses.
Encourage the plant’s natural resistance.
Limit phytosanitary treatments.

Carbon inputs

Stimulate the plant.
Avoid depletion of humified carbonaceous matter.

Functional biodiversity

Optimising the eco-systemic service of the rhizosphere.

Plant stimulation

Encourage the plant’s self-defence mechanisms.



Dégustation œnologiques chez Frayssinet des vins de Dom Brial dans le cadre Authentis

“As winegrowers committed to sustainable development, we signed up to the Authentis agro-responsible approach with Frayssinet in 2009 and the results after 5 years of implementation are very satisfactory. Our winery has chosen to advise all its members to stop using chemical fertilisers. The Frayssinet programmes recommended and adjusted each year have met our objectives, with a 17% increase in yield, a 10% improvement in the stable organic matter content of the soil and a beneficial effect on Syrah decline. Since 2013, our technical and research teams have been going even further to prove the link between this type of vineyard management and the quality of the finished product. Robert Martin, Technical Manager, Vignobles Dom Brial.

Sustainable Development Report – CSR.


Previous page : The « Economic » pillar of the CSR approach

Next page : The « Social »pillar of the CSR approach

Respecting people and places


Local obstinacy

High-performance, demanding, concerned about the environment, in harmony with its rural territory, in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc Regional National Park, Frayssinet values people in their daily actions. A significant source of employment in its area, its contribution to local development is not limited to this. The company contributes to the economic, social and cultural dynamism of its region through the direct consequences of its activity and also through its voluntary commitment and that of its employees. By adopting the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Frayssinet is simply validating the commitments it already makes.




Journée de travail collectif par le personnel Frayssinet dans le cadre de la RSE


23 %

increase in workforce in 10 years


837 h

of training provided to targeted stakeholders


20 %

of employees are workplace first aiders


Community and local development

Frayssinet undertakes numerous actions and supports local initiatives: Organic Days, conferences, partnerships and sponsoring, blood donation days, artistic projects, educational projects, charities, etc.

Social dialogue

The importance of a fluid social dialogue is well established. It is not limited to strict compliance with legal obligations, but aims to encourage exchanges and mutual respect between all those involved in the company. The latest employee satisfaction survey gave an average score of 18/20 for general confidence in the company and 16/20 for job satisfaction.


Journées organiques Frayssinet organisées en 2012 à Rouairoux

“As an elected official in Rouairoux, I’m pleased to see that Frayssinet is voluntarily committing itself to an approach of progress for the sustainable and permanent improvement of our community, where it is already well involved. Relations with this company are simple and healthy, because like the elected representatives of Rouairoux, it has the desire to bring life to our community. Its social, environmental and safety concerns are recognised locally, nationally and beyond. By adopting this CSR concept, Frayssinet is simply validating the commitments it already makes”. Danièle Escudier, Mayor of Rouairoux.


Download the Sustainable Development Report – CSR

Previous page : The « Societal » pillar of the CSR approach