NSP – Nutrition and Stimulation Program
Other crops :
meeting consumer expectations
Cereal, winter and spring crops, both irrigated and non-irrigated, need to develop a strong root system as quickly as possible. The quality and good behaviour of the soil are the major levers of productivity and resistance to weather hazards. It is essential to include the management of soil organic matters and especially of the biological activity into the reasoning of the technical path.
The stakes of the cereal sector remain an increase in productivity and quality from a perspective of a decrease in inputs, especially phytosanitary products. The nutritional effectiveness of soils and the stimulation of the natural defenses of plants should be introduced, even more these days, into cereal production systems.
Frayssinet has developed the NSP concept (Nutrition and Stimulation Program) for plant crops centered on 3 targeted actions (Sol-Root-Foliar) in order to activate the soil-plant interface: the rhizosphere. This program recommends the use of products of natural origin (solid organic fertilizers and liquid supplement-stimulators) to improve plant physiological mechanisms (mineral and water feeding) and resistance (aerial and root systems), especially under stress conditions.
The Frayssinet Group agri-environmental NSP has been tested on different terroirs, the results of tests show a better development of plant growth and an improvement of the plant productions, even in conditions of severe constraints. These results can help to better understand the interest of ecosystems (soil, root, plant) and their synergistic actions in order to safely recommend FSP’s (Nutrition and Stimulation Program) tailored to the agronomic balance, to production objectives and to a sustaible protection of the crop.
The implementation of an NSP (Nutrition and Stimulation Program) integrates complementary products applied at specific stages for the 4 targeted actions:
- Soil + Rhizosphere action : VEGETHUMUS, ORGA3, TENOR
- Root action: OSIRYL
- Stress preventive action: ANTYS 15
- Nutritional supplementation: NUTRIKALI
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